Meet the Directors

Meet the Directors

Men Walking and Talk Team

Mark Taylor


I have always been an outdoor person and as friends and family will definitely confirm, I love to talk. So being involved in a group that has those two things in the title, well it was was meant to be.

Jokes aside, one of the proudest moments of my life was when I was asked to become a Director of Men Walking and Talking. I have been presented with a role that allows me to follow the passion I have for improving men’s mental health.

I have had my own mental health battles in recent years and facing up to and dealing with them has given me unique insight into being able to offer support where needed.

I have evolved so much as a person since being involved with this group, both as a Walk Leader and Director. I am more aware of other people’s needs, a better listener and have gained more knowledge of mental health, which is vital in my roles.

My love of the outdoors and in particular, mountain walks, keeps me active in my down time, helps me to unwind and keeps me fit and healthy.

I keep my brain active with reading, geometric drawing and podcasts.(listening to and taking part, shameless plug for my episode on Ash Winter and Friends 😊) Love a good rock gig/festival and the odd TV series binge. Also enjoy cooking 😊

Ash Winter


Ash has an extensive experience within both the wellbeing and adventure sectors, coming from a military background serving in hostile environments and later within the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine and the Defence Medical Welfare Service supporting those in need with both mental and physical injuries, Ash has fought his own demons and uses this as lived experience to support others in similar situations.

Since being discharged from the military Ash has used adventure and sport to help with his recovery pathway, expeditions in the Arctic, UK, and Mountainous locations. Alpine Ski racing, Invictus Games foundation sports and becoming a Guinness World Record Holder as the fastest man on the planet to run a mile, blindfolded!

He continues to test his physical and mental strength and inspires others with similar conditions. Ash is a motivational speaker, published author and charity ambassador.

What it means to be part of MWAT; “Being asked to host a walk in my city was an honour but being asked to become a director and help grow Men Walking and Talking gives me a huge sense of pride and excitement”.

Ash hosts the “Ash Winter and Friends Podcast” and is made in association with Men Walking and Talking, he has been instrumental in the creation of a MWAT family and friends walk.

Mark Williams


I have always loved being outdoors, kayaking, archery, hiking, swimming, and cycling. Since becoming a dad, a few of those things have had to drop off for me, but I still love heading out and walking with the family as much as possible. I’m a very open person and love to talk to others. Also, I’m a keen listener and love to help…, this is starting to sound like a CV.

With what I am and do in my life, a group such as Men Walking and Talking was a natural fit for me.
I joined Men Walking and Talking in October 2021.
I went to the walk in shrewsbury after spending years suffering with my mental health.

Bouts of depression and a general feeling of inadequacy and not deserving to be happy.

In December of 2021, I decided to take my own life. However, Dan spent his Sunday morning talking me down. Once I had got myself in a more stable place, I realised that I wanted to give something back, so I asked Dan if I could become a walk leader.

As time has gone on, I am now also one of the directors and am really excited to see how we have grown and where we can go in the future.

We have a great group here and I’m looking forward to help move us onwards to help so many more men that are overcome by the stigma of men’s mental health.

Andy Middle


Hi there, I am Andy, and having spent most of my adult life in the British Army, I found myself in the outdoors, walking but mainly running a lot, but now I have slowed it down into a gentle and enjoyable walk.

I developed PTSD whilst serving with the United Nations during the Bosnian war at a young age, and throughout the numerous operations, I was deployed on during my career. It all came to a head when I was injured during operations and spent 2 years in hospital, which resulted in me being Medically Discharged from the Army and having to start a new life as a civilian. After being discharged, I needed ongoing help with my mental health, and having exhausted my options for therapy, I stopped attending and dealt with things myself by getting into a routine that was not helping my mental health one bit.

My wife Faye came to the rescue as per normal and told me there was a new group forming in Shrewsbury for men to go for a walk and talk about mental health issues, and after lots of excuses of why I couldn’t go, she drove me to the starting point, kicked me out of her car and my journey began with Men Walking and talking.

I have been attending the walk on my own free will ever since, and now I am happy to say I am the Shrewsbury Walk Leader and a Director of the organization that, in my time, has helped hundreds of Men with their mental health problems. My own mental health has improved significantly since being a member of the organization because it has given me back the feeling of comradeship and a focus outside of family and work life.

The thought of helping someone who is in crisis or in their hour of need has had a positive effect on my own mental health and has now become one of my main coping strategies. If you have reservations about attending a walk then take it from someone who has been in those shoes, kick them off and put your walking boots on, and meet the guys.

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